Oh, the complexity of it all. There are certainly times that I wonder if the work required in the path of inner healing is worth it because it can be so darn painful and slow. I suppose if the goal is to find the “easiest” way through life, well then, that explains a lot about how things are in the world! It makes me curious about what drives some of us to change and risk that pain. Maybe it’s about valuing wholeness over ease or familiarity. You’ve given me lots to reflect on! Thank you for your insight, Meghan.

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The path to wholeness is SO complex. And ongoing. I think about that lifelong journey all the time. Thank you for reading!

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Wow, this is right on time. I just wrote a newsletter about feeling stagnant and struggling to make uncomfortable changes! One thing that my therapist taught me was the concept of clean pain vs. dirty pain. I wrote a newsletter on it (I swear this isn't a plug hahaha), but basically...all pain IS painful -- so it's a matter of what TYPE of pain is in service to your greater goals. SO appreciate you, this newsletter, and your ability to put things into perspective. xx

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Thank you! Your therapist might have something there… mine often reminds me that everything is impermanent: pain, joy, triumph and everything in between. It’s helped me release ideas about avoiding pain and thinking about with acceptance and inevitability. Thank you for sharing 🙏🏾✨

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